Instructions for Using Team Project Page Template
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by Alan Liu 7 years, 1 month ago
Instructions for Creating a Team Project Page (using a pre-formatted template)
- Step 1: Navigate to the "Team Projects" Folder on the Student Work Part of the Course Site.
- Step 2: Create a new page.
- When you are in a folder, the "Pages & Files" tab in the editing interface will be selected. To start the process of creating a new page, click on "New" and choose "create a page" (not "folder"). When asked for a name for the page, make a file name in the format, "Jane Smith - Research Report"
- Before you actually click the button to create the page, choose one of the pre-made templates for the page. In this case, choose the Team Projects template:

- This will pre-format your research report so that that it appears as follows. Then just replace the boilerplate content on the page with your own content. (Remember to save your page as you work!)

Instructions for Using Team Project Page Template
Tip: To turn text into a link, highlight the text, then click on a page or file from the list above.
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