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by Alan Liu 4 years, 7 months ago
Readings and Assignments for English 149 (Winter 2018)
The first eight classes of the course focus on selected readings designed to start students thinking about how contemporary "digital humanities" and "electronic literature" methods complement, alter, or challenge the way we study literature (for example, by contrast with the "close reading" methods that . These classes run in instructor-led discussion mode. From Class 9 on, the course enters its workshop mode where everything is geared toward the making of team projects. Some of workshop classes will also feature student presentations of their projects-in-progress; others will be pure "studio" or "lab" sessions giving team members a chance to work side by side in consultation with the instructor.
= Solo assignment = Team assignment
1. "Digital Humanities" and Literary Study: A Primer
Class 1 (W, Jan. 17) — Introduction
- Introduction to the course and to "digital humanities" and "new media studies"
- Course enrollment business
Class 2 (M, Jan. 22) — "Close" & "Distant" Reading
For each class, please read the assigned texts & other works prior to class:
Course "practicums" are hands-on, small-scale exercises that ask students to experiment at a beginner's level with the tools of the digital humanities. Each practicum should be completed before class, resulting in a "souvenir" of the exercise left on the Student Work site. (General instructions for practicums)
Class 3 (W, Jan. 24) — Text in the Digital Age
- William Warner, Kimberly Knight, and UCSB Transliteracies History of Reading Group, "In the Beginning was the Word: A Visualization of the Page as Interface" (View the original Flash animation for the best interactive access, or view the MP4 video version (or download the AVI or WMV video versions). On the original Flash page, click "Enter" and wait as the animation starts)
- Yin Liu, "Ways of Reading, Models for Text, and the Usefulness of Dead People" [PDF or HTML] (2013)
- Alan Liu, "Transcendental Data: Toward a Cultural History and Aesthetics of the New Encoded Discourse" (2004) (read only pp. 49-57)
- Kate Singer, "Digital Close Reading: TEI for Teaching Poetic Vocabularies" (2013)
- Practicum: Text Encoding Instructions for this practicum | Folder of exercises on Student Work page
Special Assignment due in Class 3: Create your system for working with online readings. Because so many of the readings in this course are online, students are required to demonstrate in class during Class 3 that they have developed a workflow for annotating and saving copies of online materials according to one of the methods described in Guide to Downloading and Managing Online Readings.
Class 4 (M, Jan. 29) — Computational Text Analysis
Teams to be formed in a special class meeting to be scheduled outside regular class hours during either the second or third week of the course. (See Assignments: Team Preparatory Tasks)
Class 5 (W, Jan. 31) — Computational Text Analysis (Topic Modeling)
Class 6 (M, Feb. 5) — Social Network Analysis & Mapping Analysis
- Stephen P. Borgatti,, et al. (2009), "Network Analysis in the Social Sciences" [paywalled; UCSB students have free access through the campus network or from off-campus through the UCSB VPN or Library Proxy server]
- Franco Moretti, "Network Theory, Plot Analysis," (Stanford Literary Lab Pamphlet #2, 2011)
- Ian Gregory & David Cooper, "Geographical Technologies and the Interdisciplinary Study of Peoples and Cultures of the Past" (2013) [paywalled; UCSB students have free access through campus network or off-campus through UCSB Library Proxy server]
- Franco Moretti, Graphs, Maps, Trees (2005), pp. 35-64
- Practicum: Social Network Analysis or Mapping Instructions for this practicum | Folder of exercises on Student Work page
Class 7 (W, Feb. 7) — Electronic Literature (E-Lit)
- Readings
- E-Lit
- Nick Montfort and Stephanie Strickland, Sea and Spar Between (Glossed code here) (2010)
- Judy Malloy, Uncle Roger (Original UNIX and BASIC versions, 1986-1988; original Web version, 1995)
- Practicum: [no practicum this week]
Class 8 (M, Feb. 12) — Electronic Literature (continued)
At least one team-meeting outside class by this date to begin brainstorming. (See Assignments: Team Preparatory Tasks)
2. Project-Building
Class 9 (W, Feb. 14) — Project Planning Workshop
- Workshops are in-class team collaboration sessions when students work on their projects while the instructor circulates among the teams to consult. In this first workshop, the instructors will consult with the project teams in preparation for the upcoming project idea presentations. (See Assignments: Team Preparatory Tasks)
Digital Analysis (Distant Reading) Assignment due. (See Assignments: Solo Assignments)
* [No class February 19th (campus holiday).
Class 10 (W, Feb. 21) — Presentations of Project Ideas
Class 11 (M, Feb. 26) — Workshop (during workshop classes, teams collaborate together on their projects)
E-Lit Creative Assignment due. (See Assignments: Solo Assignments)
Class 12 (W, Feb. 28) — Workshop
Class 13 (M, Mar. 5) — Workshop
Class 14 (W, Mar. 7) — Workshop
Class 15 (M, Mar. 12) — Workshop
Class 16 (W, Mar. 14) — Final Presentations [last class]
Formal presentations of team projects (continued). (See Assignments: Team Final Tasks)
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